


Sunshine and Smiles on Graduation Day!

Sunshine and Smiles on Graduation Day!

Under a sunny blue sky on the very last day of 五月, the 29 members of the Class of 2024 took their last steps as Foxcroft students into Miss Charlotte’s Garden for the School’s 110th commencement ceremony, eagerly awaiting the moment they would emerge as alumnae.

Chosen by the Class of 2024 to be their commencement speaker, Dr. Whittney普雷斯顿, Foxcroft’s Dean of Inclusive Excellence, was the first to offer praise and advice to the graduating class. 

“Graduates, I urge you not to run from opportunities that present themselves,” advised Dr. 普雷斯顿. “Show up and show them what you can do.” After 分享 some of her own experiences, she closed with this observation and guidance, “Seizing opportunities requires more than just hoping for the best or making a good situation out of something that did not go your way. 这需要勇气. The courage to try something new, to step outside of your comfort zone, to embrace new people and experiences, 去冒险. Seizing opportunities is about standing up and having the audacity to chase your dreams, even when it seems the odds may not be in your favor. … I know firsthand through your experience here at Foxcroft that you have what it takes to make the most of every opportunity you choose to accept … I hope you go forth, 出现, and show out through each opportunity that is presented to you or that you create.”

高年级演讲嘉宾Emma L. then reflected on the classes’ time at Foxcroft, 分享, “The Class of 2024 is the first and only class at Foxcroft to start our freshman year virtually. The fall of 2020 was a memorable one for us all. … not able to eat in the Dining Hall, not able to mingle with other grades or even with each other outside of our dorm cohorts. These were adjustments we had to make. At the time, we didn’t know how those experiences would keep us bonded in our circle at Foxcroft.”

“几个星期前,” she concluded after 分享 some fun stories, “the Senior Class posed for a photo … wearing t-shirts with the logos from the colleges we will be attending this fall. While our circle at Foxcroft is coming to an end, the circle of our next stage in life is just beginning. So, 记住要保持好奇心, 是亲切的, 抓住每一个机会, learn and grow from life’s lessons, and continue your circle with all the accomplishments I know you will achieve.”

The culminating event of the day brought Chair of the Board of Trustees Natalie Wiltshire ’95 forward to award diplomas to this impressive group. Affectionately called “small but mighty” by Head of School Cathy McGehee, the Class of 2024 accomplished much, receiving 128 offers of admission from 87 colleges and universities. Thirteen seniors were offered 17 merit scholarships totaling almost $1.200万年. One is an AP Scholar and two are AP Scholars with Honor. Six are members of the prestigious Cum Laude Society, and seven now hold a transcript designation in Foxcroft’s Academic Concentration program: five in STEM and two in The 艺术. 

Members of the class will attend Bucknell University, 丹尼森大学, 乔治华盛顿大学, 东北大学, Sewanee: The University of the South, 锡拉丘兹大学, 威廉玛丽学院, 加州大学戴维斯分校, 科罗拉多大学博尔德分校, 特拉华大学, 弗吉尼亚大学, 弗吉尼亚理工大学, and Washington and Lee University, 等.

In addition to those announced at the Awards Assembly the afternoon before, several prizes were given at Commencement, 包括毕业生代表格蕾丝·P., who will attend Washington and Lee University, and Salutatorian Elizabeth V., who will attend the 弗吉尼亚大学. Other top awards went to seniors Ava B.马利·F.格雷西·R.艾米丽·R. The highest honors for younger students went to juniors Ruby D. 尤尼斯·W.二年级学生Ariana A.大一新生娜塔莎·H. View a complete list of awards and prizes.

Congratulations to the Class of 2024 on your graduation!